So, the only logical thing to do is start doing and ticking off those things on my list. NOW.
My mind is dictating that my hands do something. Anything. And so I looked for my guinea pig. Walking to and fro in our home sweet home, my eyes settled on the okay-but-not-fab- looking accent chair we picked up at Bangkal in Evangelista last year.
And I began to work. Armed with a few meters of cloth of choice, my trusty staple gun and the hard-to-find brand of spray paint my DIY online idols love, I'm set.
But the moment I stripped off its fabric and saw the sad state inside, my triumphant smile left my face. I concluded it’s a job meant for a pro. Or maybe something I can tackle on when I’m more confident of my wood working skills. For now, it will remain as it is. A skeleton.
So, I decided to look for my next 'victim' because I can't let the afternoon pass without celebrating a DIY success. No, I can't accept failure. Not when I cried so husband will buy me my staple gun.
I pranced to and fro again and zeroed in on the dining room area.
It was at this moment my dear husband became deathly afraid.
This set was his favorite and I am about to dismantle it.
After a mere 20 minutes, I came out victorious. It was so easy! And I proceeded to show the world my success by posting it on FB.
It was a good week when I tackled on the rest of the chairs and every single one came out perfectly. No picture of the full set because of my camera issues.
One good discovery: I never knew I had it in me. To be a DIY Diva. =)
Fuelled by this success, I am all too excited to start my next project.
Before I get too carried away, here it is. My lovely, lovely chair with a before and after and a close up shot.

To my dear husband. Yes you can still retain that look. I will really paint our kitchen.
Another look at the chair before I end this post