
Family Ritual

I read somewhere that rituals are important to create some stability, a sense of belongingness. I felt that was important in this crazy world where crazy things happen.

We were newly-married then and I definitely wanted to create a special ritual that we would so/share so husband and I started a simple Tuesday ritual about 2 years ago. We need to leave the house earlier on this day of the week because of color coding so we are usually at my building by 6.40am. We take advantage of the extra time by having a leasurely breakfast at where else but Jollibee. =)

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I can eat breakfast alone, without feeling unhappy. Lunch or dinner without a dining companion make me feel I don't have any friend, a friend i can share the meal with and that is a not so happy thought.

But sharing my favorite meal of the day with someone special is something I look forward to week after week, never mind if I have the smell of Jollibee ingrained deep until my subconcious.

With our son, we also want to start some simple family rituals. Here is one of them. Breakfast at Mcdo, on a lazy Saturday morning. I realize we could not always do it evey week as we have errands we need to atend to, or parties, or doctor's appointments. But we'll try to stick to this one ritual as much as we can.

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