Year in and year out, when I hit my 30s, my yearly resolutions include: eating healthier and learning how to apply make up.
I am still a firm believer at writing down resolutions. It's something I can look at and review before the year is over.
Like now. Just a little over a month and 2012 is finished. And I am cramming again to make sure I have achieved at at least half of what I wrote down on my resolution list.
So on a visit to ATC to buy proper make up brushes, I entered this small but nice store at the new wing while waiting for our turn at Bannaple.
I will blog about the make up class, the most basic one at 4 hours, after the actual class on the 24th.
I do hope it will enhance my everyday game face.
Here's how I look like each morning.
A little dash of lipstick, a little filling on the eyebrows, powder (which I do not retouch for the rest of the day) and mascara on some days. Plus my unruly and uncombed hair.
It doesn't help that I am almost always in a black dress--drabness.
Okay, pictures and stories after the class. Ciao!

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