This means that for 30 minutes, I get to play teacher to Jared's class! What fun!
I stressed over this for days. I realized it's more difficult to prepare for a lesson to a roomful of 4 to 5 year olds than to present to general managers. =)
So, since there was no clear directions on the topic, I chose to do story-telling over my initial plan of conducting a more exciting, but also more taxing science experiment lest the kids get overly excited and cannot sit still for the rest of the class.
The story...
I brought my laptop, introduced the characters and played the video. Because August is Linggo ng Wika, I downloaded a Tagalog video.
Okay in defense of me presenting a video, most kids speak English and cannot understand what I will say (I think) if I just presented the story from the book, so the video helped them with the story.
I still had to translate all the lines though.
And because looks are always a part of the entire package, I created an antenna headbacd so I can be the ant. =)

So, what did we do again?
I introduced the charaters, I am the ant and they are the grasshoppers, or tipaklong. I asked them to stand up, and hop and hop like a grasshopper.
After the story, I asked them for the lesson in the story. Glad to know they were actually listening!
Here is my son with a dazed look on his face. Still cannot believe I am his teacher!
I also distributed the old-fashioned dry-erase boards. They were only P8.00 each and amazed the kids no end. Apparently, ths kids know the more high tech versions of this toy only.

Then, I also brought a piggy back and gave them all toy coins. Then one by one, they dropped the coins in the piggy bank- to reinforce the value of saving.
This little girl asked for my antenna after the story.She said it matches her jacket.
A picture with the happy bunch. I am carrying my son at the back.
It was a fun, fun, fun moment for me.