This is obviously too late to be of any use to anyone braving the November 1 crowd at memorial parks. But maybe, it's going to come in handy for me for our visit next year.
We usually do the rounds of visiting dearly departed relatives on November 1, but this year's 4 day weekend made it possible for us to actually enjoy our day at the (memorial) park earlier. Less crowd, less traffic= a happier clan.
Here are my learnings that day:
1. For a park deprived Metro Manilan, memorial parks are nice, well kept areas with the needed patches of green!

It's a good place for reunions. Admit it, a lot of people (us included) hold mini reunions during this time. Our big family converges at the tomb of our mamang, each ladden with food more than enough for his or her own family.

2. Almost anything can be made into a tent! We have no manpower (being female dominated)and no patience and thus, we were sheltered from the heat with just blankets thrown into wires and strings fastened to nearby trees. Just be sure to bring the nice ones.

You can even play lovey-dovey under one

3. For families with lots of kids, bring entertainment. I forgot to bring enough toys for my son.
Sharing a blackberry with his cousin Johan



Serious truck play (not his)

4. Ask what food will be brought by who--we had 2 versions of pansit!

5. Make everyday and every place you visit an opportunity and venue for learning.
How to blow candles the right way

How to walk (
my cousin and her son Johan)

How to climb trees

How to pick up things w/o toppling over

6. We remember our grandparents all the more when we reminisce about our happy childhood--they were a big part of it. Now that we have kids of our own, and our parents are now grandparents, we hope to make our kids' childhood as memorable and happy as ours.