
Birth Story, 2 years delayed

I’m being emotional, looking at my toddler. He’s 2 years old now. It seems only yesterday when I was crying from lack of sleep, and from the overwhelming duties of being a new mom.

Before I forget the details of that memorable day, let me give an account of April 3, 2008.
* * *

It was a Thursday and a regular check up for me. I was nearing my due date but this is the day our baby turns exactly 37 weeks so I figure I still have a week or 2 to go.

Before this, I have complained of being so hot at night, that even with the aircon on, my legs are still sweaty. After examination, Dra. Alfiler said my water had dropped to a dangerously low level and I need to deliver that very same day. In fact, she asked me to hurry over to The Medical City’s delivery room and she will meet me there.

So, now?

Good thing is we already had our bag and the baby bag in the car. My sister, who was with us that time, was also taken by surprise.

Not thinking of the gravity of the situation, we dilly dallied in the hospital lobby when my OB called me on the cellphone and asked “where are you?”. I replied “here at the lobby, doctora”. She asked us to please hurry up and proceed to the delivery room.

While there, I was given a gown to change into. Then the nurses and doctors were fussing over me. Skin test, blood test, asking me questions—all at the same time.

I didn’t even have time to be nervous! Everything happened so fast.

I was wheeled in an immaculately white operating room. Thankfully, there were no student nurses there. Just my OB, the anesthesiologist, and some nurses. I was suddenly nervous when they were about to insert the anesthesia. I braced myself not to cry and try to be brave but it went in and out without me feeling a thing.

Then, they began cleaning my tummy area. That’s what I thought. A few minutes into it and I heard a baby crying. Oh my, my baby is out already!

His was a loud wail and I became concerned that there might be something wrong with him. I wanted to ask, but they all seemed so busy. So I waited. Then a few minutes later, a baby was presented to me. All clean and cozily wrapped up in a blanket. He has red, red lips and frog-like eyes (though still closed) and he was peacefully sleeping this time.

My baby! And another realization hit me, I’m really now a mom.

Then our sweet little baby had to stay in NICU so we didn’t get to see him again until the day after.

But when I held him, my love for this little bundle of joy (literally) overwhelmed me and I couldn’t help but cry. I was at the breastfeeding room almost as soon as the nurse calls, never mind that I had difficulty walking at the start because of the operation.

It was worth it.

We took baby Jared home after four days at the hospital and our lives made chaotic, messy and sleep-deprived gained a whole new meaning.

So this is what love is all about.

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