I started my Christmas shopping in early September. I was intent on beating the holiday rush this year. As a matter of fact, I have 2 shelves in our linen cabinet that was alloted for stuff I will buy year-round, those meant as gifts for Christmas.
As usual, I procrastinated until the last few days when traffic is so horrible it took us almost 2 hours to get home from what is normally a 15-minute drive.
Truth is, I have been to 4 of the biggest bazaars and while I did not leave empty-handed, it left me tired and restless. I think shopping like this isn't my cup of tea anymore. I rememeber I used to shop with my sister from mall opening til closing. Hay, those were the days. Aside from being more money-wise, I'd rather just spend the time with my son.
So, last weekend, we brought some of the packaging stuff I'd need. Wrappers, stickers, alphabet chip board.
And tried to put order on the gift list and the mound of stuff to wrap
Came up with "care"packages. This one I will call "Relax, and take a break pack". It has a packet of swiss miss hot chocolate with mallows, 2 instant coffee mix, ding dong, oreo, ovaltinies, nips and kit kat.
Okay, I'm still not satisfied with how these packs turned out. I hope I have time ti redo them this weekend.
More Christmas stories and packing ideas in the next few days.